
Minggu, 21 Juli 2013


     Pada umunnya asrama mahsiswa fakfak di seluruh kota studi di dijawa masih bersifat kontrakan, sehingga sitap tahun asrama berpindah-pindah tepat dan alamat, sehingga dipandang perlu untuk mengekspos berita terbaru tetang keberadaan dan alamat asrama Fakfak disetiap kota studi sehinga bisa dengan mudah bagi  teman-teman atau masyarakat Fakfak yang berda di tanah jawa bisa mengetahui keberadaan dan alamat asrama disetiap kota studi.

     Mungkin disini tidak mencakup alamat setiap kota studi, namun tempat ini merupakan tempat yang sangat strategis yang perlu diketahui teman-teman. Dimana tempat ini merupakan tempat atau pintu masuk bagi para mahasiswa di tanah jawa dan juga sebagai pintu keluar. Sehingga teman-teman mahasiswa nantinya tidak kebingunan mau singgah dimana pada saat berdatang maupun bepergian. kota studi ini adalah kota studi surabaya.

     Asrama mahasiswa Fakfak disurabay terletak di Mayar Rejo IX no17. Asrama ini bersifat sementara dan sewaktu waktu bisa berpidah tepat dan alamat.Namun sejak tahun 2011 hinga 22 juni 2014, Asrama fakfak disurabaya masih tetap berada dialamat tersebut.Masa kontrakan asrama mahasiswa ini akan berakhir pada bulan maret tahun 2015 mendatang.

     demikan sekilas informasi tetang asrama mahsiswa fakfak di Surabay. Semoga informasi ini menjadi berarti bagi teman teman mahasiswa perantau umunnya, terutama ditanah jawa.   

Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013



          Place that become main home for all people form Fakfak in Surabaya is Fak-fak's Dormitory. In the dormitory students can assemble and  know each other among Fakfak in Surabaya. When students  get together in the place, as if they are in front of their family in Home. Good or bad thing they should hand in hand overcome together. Dormitory is also as a office for whole students in Surabaya. So, in order to the dormitory and the organization always exist, the people  have to realize several thing such as custom of native people,  position of dormitory placed, and obey of regulation. 

         the most is maintain existence in the place, students have to realize the custom of native people in the region. This case to make people belong the custom interested with students, so we also can easily to conduct with neighbor, and fertilize the harmony between native people in the area.

         In Surabaya, Fakfak's dormitory is located on Manyar Sinderu IX no 17, Now call Manyar Rejo. the dormitory is exist among society houses. Even though crow of society houses the location of dormitory is strategist position. because there are many universities around the place, so Student can easily to  get camps. But the place just temporary. long or short time students should move from the place, that depend on students. When they have good behavior such as a true student, of course every thing will be all right, yet if not, that mean that the students shorten their existence on the place.
        Dormitory as office, must has regulation. The regulation that able to limit particular thing like consumption fire drink and take hard volume of music or doing other things with not accord with norm. the matter could make noisy and trouble toward societies in neighbor. and then the regulation is already glued on the wall of the dormitory. and for awhile the dormitory in safe without complain by societies on the area.  

      Dormitory is a place where we get together, stay and doing our activities. so we all need to maintain its existence with obey the norm and maintain relation with societies around.  
do your best brothers NEVER GO NEVER KNOW